These shots were taken at Deal's Gap in Aug 05 by
This is a great service provided by Darryl Cannon and his crew.  If you ever ride the gap I encourage you to visit his web site
and purchase your pics.  These are high quality photos and you can get them in any configuration.

Click on thumbnail for full view.
These were taken on Friday 5 Aug.  At the time I did not realize but I had a healthy oil leak coming
from the seal which goes around the clutch rod just behind the clutch slave cylinder.  Oil was pouring out onto
my exhaust and spraying back on the rear tire.  I knew something was up because my rear tire was slipping
in the turns.  When I stopped at the overlook I saw the oil.  It pumped out 1/2 quart in 11 miles.
If you look closely at the exhaust under the motor you can see burned motor oil on the pipe.

Two more taken on Friday showing the oil smoke coming from the engine.  The Killboy
guys noticed it and flagged me down on my way back through but by then I had already figured it out.
Thanks anyway guys, I appreciate you taking the time to let me know. 

These pics were taken the following day after the oil leak was repaired.

Extra pics taken by Killboy showing some of the great scenery surrounding Deal's Gap.

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